The following are maditory activies, Competitive Families will take part in:
Competitive dancers are required to wear plain black dance attire for all competitive classes. Ballet dancers are required to wear skirts.
Contribution of a raffle basket for recital. One per Competitive dancer, $30 value
Bake goods contribution, for Shop Till Drop, fundraiser
Adult volunteer to assist at one of the Dance Recital
Dance families are responsible to ANY prop assigned to them. Props are a part of the performance and if missing or left behind will affect the overall scoring of the dance
Arrive at venue with makeup and hair done prior to coming. This should be 1.5-2 hours prior to listed dance time, but always check with teacher. This can vary depending on venue schedule and the number of dances a teacher has in a short period of time. Along with lineup can be running ahead by 20 mins.
Performace fees (entry fees) are to be paid in FULL on due dates, determinded by each Competiton (see Code of Conduct for specific dates). If not paid on time, dancers will NOT participate at that competitons.
Dancers are required to stay for their award presentations and to watch & cheer for each other as audience participents
Absences are monitored for ALL classes and those greater than 3 can result in the loss of your dances. This starts with the dances that affect the least members of the Competitive Team.
Additional specifics are listed in the Code of Conduct. Remember your actions will often affect the Competitive Team as a whole.